We are all completely beside ourselves

We are completely beside ourselves
An hour reading, as they say, is an hour snatched from paradise! This sentiment has never been more true for me than during my recent journey through the pages of Karen Joy Fowler's We Are all Completely Beside Ourselves. A rare gem of a story that extracted the highest accolade of five stars on my Goodreads metre. Karen Joy Fowler has had me completely beside myself with this wrenching novel that explores the powerful impact of early childhood experiences and relationships on the kind of people we become and the causes for which we stand. Few stories dig so sharply into the fabric of my emotional self as this one has, making me ache to tears with sorrow for the characters, both human and other. Perhaps it's the combination of motherhood and my life-long love of animals that touches the innermost chords of my being. But this one has done exactly this.

Not only a compelling read, but also a most important one.

Had to take it everywhere with me... highly recommended!